ItsTRUE we bring to us what we vibrate out into the universe.
All of us have the potential to bring only positive things into our life.
You may not realize this but your subconscious mind really has more control of your thoughts.
You worry and dwell on bills, etc you will bring to you only bills and debts etc
You think negative thoughts, have negative people in your life, you will only have negative things in your life.
Are you in tune with your inner child, have you healed your inner child.
You have to let go of your schmoots, your pain.
Forgive yourself, for hanging onto things that you had no control over.
Forgive those that caused you the pain.
Release your pain... heal your soul
"Even thou ...( put your feelings in here).......I love & except myself deeply & completely" say this out loud while gently "karate chopping your hands"
Focus on the pain scale of 1-10
10 being very painful
Tap these Meridans:
Tap the top of both eye brow in the middle edge
Tap the outside if both eyebrows
Tap under each eye just on cheek bone
Tap under nose just above top lip
Tap under bottom lip
Tap with open hand to touch both sides of heart just in middle of chest
Tap under one arm pit (by bra line)
Tap top of head
The entire time while tapping give your pain a name , sad ...lonely, angry, hurt,
Etc one full round of tapping
Do karate chop again close your eyes breathe deep feel the pain scale is in still a high no# or is it going down
Keep tapping this pain out till it is a 1 pain scale or zero
Tap to be thankful to finish your session on a positive note do entire meridians
Tapping Solution books etc Nick Ortner great info, amazing results for yourself
Now go get your positive vibrations
Have a blissful day